HAND DETAILS - $10+$1 No Limit Hold'em Tournament, 7 Players


Position Name Stack
SB Hero 61,701 (24.7 bb)
BB 61,422 (24.6 bb)
MP1 56,955 (22.8 bb)
MP2 54,850 (21.9 bb)
MP3 18,019 (7.2 bb)
CO 23,550 (9.4 bb)
BTN 26,790 (10.7 bb)


Played Date:08/10/2014
Limit:No Limit Hold'em Tournament

Preflop: Hero is SB with J of spades Q of diamonds
5 folds, Hero raises to 5,437, BB calls 2,937

Flop: (12,624) 8 of hearts Q of spades 9 of hearts (2 players)
Hero bets 8,811, BB calls 8,811

Turn: (30,246) 8 of diamonds (2 players)
Hero checks, BB checks

River: (30,246) 2 of hearts (2 players)
Hero checks, BB checks

Results: 30,246 pot (875 rake)
Final Board: 8 of hearts Q of spades 9 of hearts 8 of diamonds 2 of hearts
Hero showed J of spades Q of diamonds and won 29,371 (14,873 net)
BB mucked and lost (-14,498 net)

Hand converted by: Hold'Em Manager poker tools. Hold'Em Manager is the best poker tracking software available.